Monday, June 23, 2014

This week at the races June 15-29

Shawns on vacation and I have turned into Howard Hugh's for the past 2 weeks leading up to my 1st IM of the year next week. I KNOW I did not have any athletes race this past weekend, I am just not sure about the other coaches. If you raced, I will get you in next weeks email. PROMISE. It is going to be a big post too so be prepared next Monday morning. 5 different IM's and Western States 100 all in the same weekend!!!!
 This is from Shawns email last week:

I am not sure that I will have a chance to write this next week and I am also not sure if all the travelers will have internet so…good luck to ALL the crew racing next weekend!!!

In Ironman Austria, good luck to Eric Loveless, Karel and Marni Sumbal.

Good luck to Walter Arnold in Celtman – it is a VERY hard course similar to Norseman…I am jealous

Good luck to Drew Cown, Julie Kowal, Dan Kowal, Lucy Croft and Eric Lashaway at Ironman CDA…I love that course!!!

Last but definitely not least…good luck to my training partner Jen Vogel at Challenge Atlantic City…it’s a Bay not a Gulf and the sharks stay in the ocean – stop worrying – WOOYBIGT!!!

Add to this my girl Lisa Klueppel doing her FIRST Ironman at CDL and our very own Coach Katie taking on Ironman France with her husband, Jon.

That is a lot of races to follow!! Luckly they are all in different time zones so you have well over 17 hrs of tracking fun.

This is what my Ironman taper has become

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