Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Making your own with FCC and VMS: clove and magnesium oil muscle rub

Happy first Wednesday in June! I can not believe it is summer already and more so I can not believe I have my first Ironman of the year this month. Dang it came quick. In addition to demanding personal race schedules by our coaches this year,  Velocity Multisport  has some great stuff on tap for our athletes and the Jacksonville triathlon community. The first of which is our weekly video blogs with Dawn Hutchins, owner of Florida Coastal Cooking.

Every Wednesday we will be creating a recipe with Dawn for the active athlete in mind. June is all about essential oils and athletic performance.  Before we get to ANYTHING else it is important that you understand these are high quality essential oils that we are using, not fragrances made in a lab and  mixed with alcohol. If you are using a low quality "fragrance" you might as well be sniffing a car air freshener and and expecting results ;-)  If you are local to Jacksonville all of these items can be found at Native Sun.  If you can not get there then I would suggest checking out Dawn's website to purchase. As with all essential oils, if you are pregnant, breast feeding or have any underlining medical conditions please consult your doctor first. 

Now, before we get to our very first video blog, I ask you please cut me a little grace. I am working on lighting, inflection, where to look etc and June/July was all shot in one LONG day in the middle of a 20 hour Ironman build week. We are a work in progress over here on this blog but if you wait until everything is absolutely perfect to start, you will never start. Now on to our first show:

Today we are making an all natural muscle rub. I talk about the not so great things that stuff like tiger balm and bengay have in them such as petroleum jelly and potassium hydroxide   . Consider the fact that 60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream and you will see why making your own with ingredients you know is the only logical thing to do.  Our rub is a simple mixture of Magnesium oil and Clove oil in a 2 oz to about 5-8 drop ratio. Clove has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to help fight inflammation in the body, especially arthritis pain. 

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